Application of ozone and function

Ozone, as a strong oxidation agent, disinfectant, refining agent and catalytic agent, has been widely used in the industries of petroleum, textile chemicals, food, pharmaceutical, perfume, environment protection.
Ozone was first used in water treatment in 1905, solving the drinking water quality problem. At present, in Japan, America and most of the European countries, ozone technology has been widely used in medical devices and tableware disinfection.
As a strong oxidation agent, ozone is having more and more application in textile, printing, dyeing, paper making, odor removal, decoloration, aging treatment and bioengineering.
The main feature of ozoneis its gas status (compose of three oxygen atom) and strong oxidability. The oxidability is slightly lower than fluorine, but much higher than chlorine, having high oxidation efficiency and no harmful byproduct. Hence, it has extensive application in different industries.

Post time: May-07-2021