Main functions of ozone

Ozone has a lot of functions, and they are mainly as follows:

Disinfection: Eliminate virus and bacteria in the air and water quickly and completely. According to the test report, more than 99% of the bacteria and virus in water will be eliminated in ten to twenty minutes when there is 0.05ppm residual ozone concentration. Hence, ozone can be used in tap water, waste water, swimming pool water, and drinking water disinfection; Food storage room disinfection; Hospital, school, kindergarten, office, food processing factory, pharmaceutical factory air purification; surface disinfection, hospital and domestic wastewater disinfection.

Detoxification: with the development of industry and commerce, there is a lot of harmful substance around us, for example: carb on monoxide (CO), pesticide, heavy metal, chemical fertilizer, organism, and odor. They will be decomposed into harmless substance after treated by ozone.

Food storage: in Japan, America and European countries, the application of using ozone for food storage to prevent food from rot and extend the storage period, have been quite common.

Color removal: ozone is a strong oxidation agent, so it can be used for textile, food and wastewater color removal.

Odor removal: ozone is a strong oxidation agent, and it can quickly eliminate odor from the air or water completely. So it can be used in waste, sewage, farming odor treatment, etc.


Post time: May-11-2021