The main advantages of ozone for disinfection of municipal sewage

Compared with chlorine, the main advantages of ozone generators for municipal sewage disinfection can be summarized as follows
(1) The danger in transportation, storage and handling is eliminated.

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(2) Ozone is a good disinfectant and bactericide.
(3) The contact time is short (the contact time of ozone is 1 lo minutes, and the contact time of chlorine is 30 to 45 minutes).
(4) Has been discovered. ph value and temperature have little influence on disinfection effect.
(5) Ozonated sewage has a high content of dissolved oxygen, thereby improving the water quality of the receiving water body.
(6) At the end of the toxicity study on ozone disinfection of sewage, it was found to be toxic to aquatic organisms.
(7) In ozonated municipal waters, no extremely difficult to handle or bioaccumulative residues are observed or expected. Practical observations Hazardous ozone oxidation can convert difficult to treat compounds into less difficult compounds.
(8) No increase in TDs(total dissolved solids) in ozone-treated water, which is particularly important for sewage reuse.
(9) Ozone disinfection can improve the quality of sewage, such as the color and oil of the effluent.
(10) Increasing ozone to extend the contact time of rabbits, it is easy to promote ozone disinfection to tertiary treatment.
So far as we know, the above is true. Ozone-oxidized effluent has not been extensively studied to date, although it is possible that the resulting compounds will be more chemical than the original ones
The toxicity of the compound is also nine, but the water chemistry believes that under the conditions used for disinfection, this possibility is very small.
Work on various aspects of ozone treatment of sewage needs to continue in order to verify the numerous problems identified in previous studies.

Post time: Nov-17-2024